Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Trial #1: Detox Bath

First off I've tried this twice now, the first time I did the basic baking soda and Epsom salt. The second time I added the tea. 

1 cup baking soda, 
2 cups Epsom salts, 
3 or 4 tea bags (peppermint)(optional). Make water as hot as you can stand. Make sure ingredients dissolve and if using tea let sit for two-five min. Soak for 20 minutes. 

May feel a tad dizzy afterwards. For best results no food right before or after and drink lots of water afterwards to help flush out the toxins. :)

In hindsight I could have added more than 4tea bags and I might have enjoyed this more.
Not sure what the health benefits of the tea were but the smell of peppermint made it so much more relaxing!

Why this works: 
Baking soda, which is technically sodium bicarbonate, has an alkalizing effect on the body. This can be very important in cases of over-acidity, which is common with the typical western diet. Red meat, cheeses, sugar, and refined foods are acid-forming. A baking soda bath acts to neutralize this effect. It is also useful for detoxing from an overuse of alcohol, caffeine, medications, and nicotine. After soaking in this compound, the body generally feels refreshed and renewed, with the added benefit of soft, supple skin.
Why is an epsom salt bath beneficial? Because the magnesium and sulfates are readily absorbed into the body, imparting their own particular health benefits. Magnesium is an incredibly valuable mineral, one that many people are deficient in. It is involved in hundreds of different enzyme activities. It is needed for the metabolism of other minerals, the proper use of insulin, efficient muscle and nerve function, and for restful sleep. Balancing with calcium in the body, magnesium helps to maintain a normal heart beat and blood pressure. It protects artery walls in times of stress, and prevents the calcification of soft tissue. Deficiencies can be linked to common issues, such as insomnia and irritability, and even heart disease.
Sulfates disinfect the blood and flush toxins from cells. This detoxification effect may be why Epsom salt baths are soothing for people who suffer from arthritis and joint pain. Protecting the body against the harmful effects of pollution and radiation, they help to slow the aging process. Sulfates are also necessary for the synthesis of new collagen, which is needed for healthy, young-looking skin.

Original idea: found on Pinterest
Info about why it works from: http://suite101.com/article/baking-soda-and-epsom-salt-bath-for-detoxification-a228912

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